Thursday, December 8, 2011

Un Saludo

This is the last Spanish paper I will ever turn in of my educational career.  Cover page complete with:

-grammatical error brought on by a rushed printing (it should be 'el ensayo final')
-Spelling the title of the book wrong (it should be Los Girasoles Ciegos….and another one falls victim to autocorrect in a rush)
-My new name. (Professor Aviles went of out his way to personally congratulate Joel and I.  He even asked if I had a picture to show him of my new groom!  So I was able to write ‘Dumas’ on all of his papers. ‘Bell-Dumas’ just in case he should happen to forget!)
-The last spanish class I will ever take for my BA at the University of North Texas (unless, for some reason, something goes terribly wrong with the paper pictured and I have to take the class AGAIN. I’ve never had to do that and pray IN JESUS’ NAME against that. Seeing how I have to have a certain grade in THIS SPECIFIC CLASS in order to officially graduate, I felt it was bad joo-joo to not have a clause)
-The name of one of the best professors I’ve ever had.

Adios Post Spanish Civil War Literature. It’s been real.

3 exams to go…
Itty Biddi (UNT) Brittney : )

1 comment:

  1. Gooooooooood documentation! Hope you do soooooooooooooo well in this class!!! GO, BRITTNEY, GO!!
